If you are a store/shop owner and you feel like our meals would be a tasty addition to what you have to offer your customers, we would love to hear from you!
A glimpse of our business – so far we offer:
- Real Minute Meal Cheeseburger Mac (organic & GF options)
- Real Minute Meal Taco Pasta (organic & GF options)
- Ancient Grain Organic (Spelt) Pancake mix
- Organic Cornbread mix
- Organic Sugar Cookie mix
Goulash and Old Fashioned Waffles are in the wings!
Everything we make is as organic as possible – they don’t certify salt or baking powder organic, but we make sure they are high quality and non-gmo!
We use Jovial organic GF brown rice pasta because it is the best GF pasta we’ve ever had and we use their Bionaturae brand for our organic (wheat) pasta meals.
Our spices are 100% certified organic.
We don’t and will NEVER use seed oils, natural flavorings, or anthing even remotely artificial in any of our products.
The purpose of our mixes is to make life easier for the family trying to eat real food, but doesn’t have hours to devote to cooking daily. Every mix we make requires only the addition of a few items to make a completed meal, breakfast, side or treat, and max 30ish minutes of time.
Please share your terms in the correspondence and what products you might be interested in! We would love to chat and find out if there is a good partnership to be had.
Feel free to use this form, email us at farm@hollowcreekhomesteadtn.com or call/text us at: 931-33O-O56zero